Our journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges!

For editing the Annals of the University “Constantin Brâncuși” of Târgu-Jiu, Education Sciences Series, we accept submissions on a rolling basis, with selection and publication timing decided by the editorial board.

Articles should be written in both Romanian and English. The text should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12.

A single article should not exceed 20 pages, and an author is allowed to publish only one article per issue.

A study can have no more than two authors.

Submissions will be evaluated based on originality, significance, clarity, and the contribution of the authors. The submitted work must include two separate files:

  • The first file should contain full author information (institution, a brief bio detailing their position and research interests, and email address).
  • The second file should contain only the manuscript, without any identifying author information.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Articles should be written in both Romanian and English. Please ensure the English translation is accurate and of high quality.

Title of the Paper

The title should be centered at the top of the page, written in Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, and in uppercase. It should be translated into both Romanian and English.

Authors of the Paper

The authors’ names should appear under the title, with single line spacing, centered, and include the academic title, university, city, country, and email address. The text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, and lowercase.


The abstract should provide sufficient details to allow readers to understand the subject’s nature and significance, the appropriateness of the research method, and the study’s results and conclusions. It is not an introduction but a synthesis of the essential research findings, not simply a list of topics covered in the paper.

The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, font size 10, italic, and should be 200-250 words in length, with single line spacing.

For articles written in Romanian, an English translation of the abstract (serving as the “abstract” of the work) must be included.


Select 4-7 keywords or phrases that capture the essence of the paper. List these terms in order of importance. Keywords must also be translated into English and attached to the abstract.


The introduction sets the context for the paper. It highlights relevant specialized literature (with citations) and synthesizes the current understanding of the investigated topic.

Formulate the purpose of the paper as hypotheses, questions, or problems to be addressed, and briefly describe the approach and necessary arguments. Whenever possible, present the results that the study aims to demonstrate.

Body of the Paper

Organize the main text carefully, using headings and subheadings to highlight both content and clarity. Consider the following:

  • Use recognized terminology of the field to describe any topics or experimental procedures for data collection and analysis.
  • Include detailed methods so readers can follow the presentation of the material.
  • Clearly and concisely present results.
  • Analyze and interpret the implications of the research results thoroughly, both generally and specifically.

The body text should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, with single line spacing. Tables and figures should be sized and placed in the body of the work as intended to appear in the journal. Ensure they fit within a single page. Their content should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, and the column headings of tables in Times New Roman, font size 10, bold.

The title and number of tables should be placed above them, while for figures, the title and number should be placed below. When applicable, the source should also be mentioned. The number of tables and figures should be referenced within the text, in parentheses, e.g., (fig. no. 1); (table no. 1).

Graphs should be clearly executed to provide legible black-and-white copies.

Number all equations and formulas, placing their numbers in parentheses on the right side.

Explain abbreviations and acronyms the first time they appear in the text body, even if defined in the abstract.

Do not use footnotes; however, endnotes are allowed and should be placed before the bibliography, written in Times New Roman, font size 10, italic, and enclosed in round brackets.


A conclusion section is required. Conclusions may summarize the main points of the paper but should not repeat the abstract. They may address the importance of the work, provide suggestions for its application, or propose directions for future research.


Bibliographic references in the introduction or body of the paper should include, in parentheses, the author’s name and the year of publication in the order they appear, e.g., (James, 1984); (Collins and Fermont, 1977 – when there are two authors); (Collins et al., 1988 – when there are three or more authors). Citations in the text are numbered using Arabic numerals [1], and if multiple references are included, it is written as [1]-[2]. The bibliography at the end of the paper should be listed alphabetically by author’s name, numbered in square brackets, including the title of the book or article (italicized), the publisher, location, and publication year. If studies, papers, or articles are published in a volume, the volume number and pages should be specified.


Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restriction.

The articles published by our journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0), which allows redistribution, modification, and use for any purpose, provided that proper attribution is given to the original author. For details about the license, please visit


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